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Friday, November 9, 2007

State of the City

Mayor Cedric Glover gave his State of the City Address on Wednesday at Riverview Theatre.

In case you missed it, here are some excerpts from his speech:

  • A little more than two weeks ago I stood in the street with family, friends and neighbors of little Treveon Hunter ... who was the innocent victim of a drive-by shooting on Frederick Street in Queensborough. As I left that family and that street, I felt deeply disturbed and concerned about the future of young men like Treveon Hunter and the families on streets like Frederick, who unfortunately become known for all the wrong reasons.

  • A little more than one week ago, I sat in the office of Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, commander of the 8th Air Force at Barksdale Air Force Base to discuss one of the most promising projects our area has seen in a long time: establishing the permanent Cyber Command at Barksdale.

  • Like two sides of a coin that represent countervailing perspectives, images and mindsets, in many ways we are a tale of two cities in one: one that embraces the the idea that we are on our way to bigger and better things; and the other that wonders if the future holds anything that will remove the fear ands pessimism that slowly eats away at our soul.

  • I believe we can take back our neighborhoods. That is a focus of this administration and I will put every resource at my disposal toward that task.

  • We recognize and have embraced the fact that economic development means a lot of different things ... from going out to GM and celebrating that they will be making their hot new truck (the Hummer 3T) right here in west Shreveport to going out to Hollywood to be one of the hosts of a reception for filmmakers. The first is an example of of our efforts to solidify the presence of one of our existing industrial employers while the latter is an example of our efforts to further develop our film and entertainment industry.

  • We also believe that growing our city means growing the WHOLE city. If we can convince a bunch of California movie producers to build a film studio in Ledbetter Heights and use that studio as the catalyst for redevelopment of this historic neighborhood then we can find a way to grow other parts of our city that have long been neglected.

  • Lat November I uttered the words "Here we are." A couple of weeks ago, I was again reminded that "here" includes places like Frederick Street as well as Barksdale. "Here" includes both the opportunities and the threats to those opportunities. Both offer lessons for us to learn. Both present us with the challenge to step up to the next level in our evolution as a great city.

  • I am honored to serve as your mayor. I believe we can and we will meet the challenges that threaten to derail our progress head-on.


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